20-22 March 2024


Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Discover Andorra

20-22 March 2024


Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Discover Andorra

2024 Program

March 23

March 24

March 25

Join Zoom Streaming!

We cannot allow anyone to miss these masterful interventions, so if your schedule does not allow you to travel to Andorra, we invite you not to miss all the interventions that will take place at the Andorra la Vella Convention Center on the 20 and on March 21. We are waiting for you in the digital universe! Are you going to connect?

Mountainlikers Zoom meeting link: GMT +1, Central European Time


MOUNTAINLIKERS: “Sustainability and wellbeing, the keys to mountain tourism”

The World Congress on Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism is an initiative of Andorra’s 7 Communes, the Government of Andorra, and the World Tourism Organization, aimed at setting up a permanent discussion forum on the development and sustainability of tourism in mountain areas. It is held every two years and is organised by each Commune in rotation.

Since its inception in 1998, the Congress has focused on the most innovative topics of the time, deriving from the analysis of touristic and social trends, the economic situation, and the development of communication and analysis tools.

For this reason, and supported by the increase in participants at each edition, the World Congress on Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism in Andorra has become an international benchmark for the exchange of knowledge regarding trends, tools, and opportunities for tourism development in mountain areas.



Dear participants,

During the last edition of the World Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism in 2022, the theme addressed was the recovery of tourism after the pandemic, under the title “A new approach to the future”. Today, after hard work by public administrations to encourage and help the sector, and after seeing how local businesses have handled this situation, not without difficulty, we can say that the tourism sector has faced this enormous crisis, showing great resilience. We must continue our efforts to strengthen the tourism sector and continue its contribution to the economies of mountain areas.

Not without effort, the Principality of Andorra, in this period of recovery, thanks to its privileged natural wealth and its wide variety of activities in a healthy environment, recorded an increase in overnight stays, exceeding for the first time 10 million nights per year.

12th World Congress on Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism (20-22 March 2024, Andorra-Encamp)

Messages, UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili

According to research carried out by UNWTO and FAO, mountain tourism accounts for between 9 and 16% of international tourist arrivals worldwide. That means that as many as 375 million tourists visited mountain tourism destinations in 2019 alone. But we cannot forget that for many communities, tourism is more than numbers; tourism is their livelihood, and as such, we have a shared duty to ensure the return of international travel brings inclusive and sustainable opportunities for all.

Promoting sustainable practices can increase and diversify household incomes, enhance job opportunities, build robust micro-economies and revitalize products and services. At the same time, it can build resilience and protect the fragile mountain ecosystems and their unique heritage. Achieving this will require ensuring that communities are at the heart of mountain tourism development. They are undoubtedly best-placed to measure and manage the impacts of tourism in mountains, as well as the adequate management of resources, and to develop a definition of sustainable tourism planning and management policies and strategies.


Greetings from the Mayor of Encamp, Laura Mas Barrionuevo

This year, Encamp takes over and is the host parish of the 12th Congress on Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism and I feel especially proud, as mayor, that it is in the edition where the theme is sustainability and well-being. The sustainability of our parish and the well-being of our tourists are the cornerstone of our tourism strategy. A parish where the towns of Encamp and Pas de la Casa live and enjoy surrounded by nature, mountains and landscapes that form one of our main tourist attractions.

Do you want to participate in the activities?

Clica per veure els vídeos de les sessions i fotos de l'edició 2024




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  • Technical Secretariat
  • (+376) 827 682
  • info@mountainlikers.com
March 23
  • 08:00 – 10.00

Arrival and registration of participants

March 23
  • 10:00 – 10:30
  • Sra. Gemma Rial

Opening Ceremony

Hon. Mr. Francesc Camp Torres, Mayor of Canillo
Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General, UNWTO
H.E. Mr. Jordi Torres Falcó, Minister of Tourism and Telecommunications of Andorra
Master of Ceremony: Mrs. Gemma Rial, Journalist and Presenter of RTVA (Ràdio i Televisió d’Andorra)

March 23
  • 10:30 – 11:00
  • Sr. Damien Zisswiller

Keynote on innovation and sustainability

Damien Zisswiller, Directorate of Engineering and Development of Territories, Atout France

March 23
  • 11:00 – 13:00
  • Sra. Sandra Carvao

High Level Panel on "Mountain destinations: between recovery and looking to the future"

Mountain tourist destinations have quickly adapted to the new postcovid reality. What strategies have public and private entities implemented to deal with it? And what vision do they have for the future? Moderation and introduction: Sandra Carvao, Chief of Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness, UNWTO
H.E. Mr. Jordi Torres Falcó, Minister of Tourism and Telecommunications of Andorra
H.E. Mr. Simon Zajc, Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology of Slovenia
H.E. Mr. Fernando Valdés, Secretary of State for Tourism of Spain
H.E. Mrs. Sofia Zacharaki, Viceminister of Tourism of Greece

March 23
  • 13:00 – 15:00

Free time for lunch

March 23
  • 15:00 – 15:30
  • Sr. Gerard Calzada

Understanding mountain Tourism through data

Smartphones have become the most widely used device for any online operation. The use of mobiles allows an important source at data level. How do we take advantage of this information and what can we offer to the users? The effectiveness of mobile data.
Gerardo Calzada, Data & AI Manager, Andorra Telecom

March 23
  • 15.30– 17:00
  • Sra. Natalia Bayona

SESSION 1 – Digital transformation and the tourism of the future

Since the pandemic, digitalization - "big data", "virtual reality" or "artificial intelligence" - has been strengthened, generating solutions to accelerate economic recovery. New tourism applications have been rapidly created helping companies adjust their business models, and institutions reorganize their tourism destination using data and AI. This session will showcase tourism innovative technological solutions that contribute to sustainable development.
Moderator: Natalia Bayona, Director of Innovation, Education and Investments, UNWTO
Christian Lunger, CEO, Motasdesign (Austria)
Santiago Camps, CEO, Mabrian Technologies (Spain)
Helena González Ung, Special Projects & Digital Art Manager, Necsum Trison (Spain)
Marc Galabert Macià, Secretary of State for Economic Diversification and Innovation, Government of Andorra
Marc Bigas Bachs, Co-founder of Skitude (Norway)
16:30 - 17:00 P/R

March 23
  • 17:00-17:20
  • Sra. Sandra Carvao & Sra. Rosalaura Romeo

UNWTO / FAO Report on Sustainable Mountain Tourism – Key Outcomes

Sandra Carvao, Chief of Tourism Market Intelligence and Competitiveness, UNWTO
Rosalaura Romeo, Project Coordinator, Mountain Partnership Secretariat, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

March 24
  • 09:30 – 11:00
  • Sr. David Mora

SESSION 2 – Gastronomy and sustainable consumption

Gastronomy tourism is a growing trend that allows the consolidation of typical food, identity and culture of the destination. This session will also give examples of sustainable consumption initiatives that serve as a tool for the local population to benefit from tourism development, especially in rural areas.
Moderator: David Mora, Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Food Tourism, Basque Culinary Center (BCC)
Michele Rumiz, Director of the programme Slow Food Travel (Italy)
Chef Jordi Grau, Restaurant Ibaya, Sport Hotel Hermitage (Andorra)
Vee Bougani, CEO, Sustainable Food Movement (Greece)
Philippe Berto, Deputy CEO of CRTL Occitanie, France
10:30 - 11:00 P/R

March 24
  • 11:15 – 13:00
  • Sra. Céline Fortin

SESSION 3: Innovative experiences

Consumers habits have been transformed - their health and wellbeing, their contact with nature and their communities come first. Destinations and tourist service companies have adapted rapidly to this new reality. At the same time, an important factor on their holidays is discovering and experimenting. Experience tourism together with a healthy environment is a key element for the consumer.
Moderator: Céline Fortin, Regional Manager, Europe & Oceania, Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA)
Michel Durrieu, CEO, Huttopia (France)
Betim Budzaku, CEO, Andorra Turisme
Pierre-François Adam, Innovation-Foresight and Entrepreneurship Manager Cluster Montagne (France)
12:30 - 13:00 P/R

March 24
  • 13:00 – 15:30

Free time for lunch

March 24
  • 15:30 – 17:00
  • Sra. Alessandra Priante

SESSION 4: Consumers call for responsible tourism destinations

The globally growing environmental awareness also changes development patterns in tourism: energy efficiency, environmental friendly construction or the use of natural materials can all contribute to sustainable development. This session aims at showcasing tourism initiatives dedicated to an eco-friendly development. It will also discuss governance, job creation and capacity building.
Moderator: Alessandra Priante, Regional Director for Europe, UNWTO
Leigh Barnes, Chief Customer Officer, Intrepid Travel (United Kingdom)
Marc Pons, Director in Andorra Investigation + Innovation (Andorra)
Domitien Détrie, Director General of the Pyrenees Agency (France)
Jeremy Smith, Co-founder, Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency (France)
16:30 - 17:00 P/R

March 24
  • 17:00 – 17:30
  • Sra. Alessandra Priante

Closing ceremony

Hon. Mr. Francesc Camp Torres, Mayor of Canillo
Hon. Mrs. Laura Mas Barrionuevo, Mayor of Encamp, host of the 2024 Congress
Mrs. Alessandra Priante, Regional Director for Europe, UNWTO
H.E. Mr. Jordi Torres Falcó, Minister of Tourism and Telecommunications of Andorra

March 25
  • 09:00 – 18:00

Enjoy Andorra!