Michele Rumiz

Michele Rumiz is the director of Slow Food Travel – the Slow Food programme designed to offer communities the chance to develop their potential as sustainable and high-quality gastronomic destination.

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Facebook: Michele Rumiz

Instagram: michelerumiz

LinkedIN: Michele Rumiz


Food is one of the driving motivations for travellers choosing their destinations, with tourists spending more and more time and money on food and beverage experiences. Yet destinations often fail to adequately showcase the complexities and uniqueness of their food traditions. Equally important, tourism destinations often lack tools to translate tourism into concrete benefits for high-quality and sustainable local food productions. Slow Food Travel is a methodology developed by Slow Food helping territories to develop their potential as quality gastronomic destinations. Through local-level multiple-stakeholders alliances and a path to master the ability of small-scale farmers to offer high-quality unique food experiences, destinations add value to the best of local gastronomic heritage. In so doing, travellers can discover gastronomic heritages and biodiversity through its guardians – local artisan food producers, contributing to their livelihoods through the diversification of their income and the generation of positive externalities. If carefully tailored, such experiences can be invaluable in raising awareness of travellers on the impact of wider global problems, and the local projects that promote sustainability across the food chain.


Presentation: Michele Rumiz