Jeremy Smith
Jeremy Smith is a writer and strategist working to ensure a sustainable and regenerative future for tourism. In 2020, he co-founded Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency, a global initiative of over 420 destinations, businesses and organisations committed to equitable science-based climate action. In 2021, he was a co-author of the UNWTO-led Glasgow Declaration for Climate Action in Tourism, which launched at COP26 in Glasgow and was built on the original framework and commitments of Tourism Declares. He is now the Climate Specialist at the Travel Foundation leading their Climate Action Programme and working with the UNWTO to ensure the implementation of the declaration’s commitments over the next decade.
Jeremy és un comentarista habitual sobre qüestions de sostenibilitat i equitat en el turisme, autor dels llibres Transforming Travel – realising the potential of sustainable tourism i Clean Breaks – 500 new Ways to See the World, i cofundador de www.travindy.com, el lloc web d’informació del turisme sostenible de la indústria del viatge. Assessora destinacions i empreses sobre l’estratègia de turisme sostenible i forma part dels consells assessors de la Future of Tourism Coalition i Travalyst.
Presentation: Jeremy Smith