Céline Fortin
Growing up between the French Alps and Brittany, Céline spent most of her childhood hiking, skiing, swimming and sailing. Being raised by the mountains and the sea, she inherited a spirit for the wild. Adventuring in nature sparked her curiosity and intrepid spirit, and inspired her to begin a career in the intense and beautiful world of adventure travel.
After graduating with a Master's degree in Business, Céline has assumed almost every role within the tourism industry over the last 17 years, from tour leading, training, or operations, to product development & yield management, tourism consulting, and business development. She has lived across Latin America, Thailand, Australia, the UK and most recently in the glorious city of Barcelona.
Her role is to connect the Adventure Travel Trade through strategic solutions such as partnership, events, education and advisory towards a sustainable growth for European destinations and / or marketplaces.
Through ATTA, she also provides their community of thought leaders and experts, a voice for responsible development in Adventure Travel allowing to make a difference, tell their story, share their passion and lead the way.